
In the UK, First Avenue Partners LLP is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (“FCA”). First Avenue Partners (London) Limited is an Appointed Representative of First Avenue Partners LLP.

In the US, FAP USA L.P. is a member of FINRA and SIPC.

In Hong Kong, First Avenue Partners (Asia) Limited (CE number: BGY753) is licensed by the Hong Kong Securities and Futures Commission (“SFC”) to conduct Type 1 (dealing in securities) regulated activity in Hong Kong.

VAT No: GB250398405

First Avenue receives compensation for endorsing investment adviser(s) and placing investors in private funds managed by such advisers. As a result, First Avenue has a conflict of interest in recommending advisers and such private funds. In addition, First Avenue personnel may from time to time make commitments to funds sponsored by such investment adviser(s).

FAP USA, L.P. and First Avenue Partners LLP (collectively, “First Avenue”) have been engaged by fund managers (each a “Fund Manager” and together with its affiliates, the “Fund Sponsor”) to provide securities placement, marketing and representative services (“Promoter Services”) in connection with the offering and sale of the securities of funds managed by the Fund Manager and/or the Fund Sponsor and parallel funds (the “Fund”).

The following disclosures are being provided to you in connection with Promoter Services.

First Avenue is not a current client of the Fund Manager, although it is possible that one or more affiliates of First Avenue or employees of First Avenue or its affiliates may be, or may subsequently become, a client of the Fund Sponsor.

First Avenue will receive cash compensation from the Fund Sponsor for its Promoter Services.

A material conflict of interest exists on the part of First Avenue because it receives compensation for providing its Promoter Services to the Fund Manager and Fund Sponsor.

First Avenue has an incentive to solicit or introduce you to purchase interests in the Fund, or to indicate its approval, support, or recommendation of the Fund Manager or Fund Sponsor or any of its directors, officers, principals, or employees, because First Avenue receives more compensation as investors commit additional capital to the Fund.

Business Continuity Plan (US)


Note to German investors: 

First Avenue Partners (Europe) GmbH (“Tied Agent“) is a tied agent within the meaning of Article 29 (3) of Directive 2014/65/EU (“MiFID II” as implemented in the respective national legislation) of ACOLIN Europe AG, which is authorised and regulated by the German Bundesanstalt für Finanzdienstleistungsaufsicht (BaFin). The Tied Agent is entered in the public register of tied agents held by BaFin. Within the scope of providing financial services (“investment brokerage” within the meaning of Annex I A (1) MiFID II as implemented in the respective national legislation by promotion of the potential investor's willingness to enter into a transaction but excluding the reception and transmission of orders in relation to one or more financial instruments), the Tied Agent acts exclusively on behalf and for the account of  ACOLIN Europe AG. The information provided by the Tied Agent is intended for informational purposes only and does not represent an offer to purchase or sell financial instruments. All information is provided without any guarantee. This information neither represents any investment / legal / tax advice, nor any recommendation. The Agent points out that every investment decision should be made after consulting an advisor. The information is intended exclusively for professional clients within the meaning of Annex II MiFID II. The information provided may not be copied or further distributed to third parties without the prior consent of ACOLIN Europe AG. The information may not be given to persons or companies that do not have their ordinary residence or domicile in the countries in which ACOLIN Europe AG is authorized to provide financial services. In particular, the information may not be made available to US citizens or persons residing in the USA.